2021/01/22 news

AMCON Free Webinar on February 1st

We are pleased to announce “AMCON Free Webinar on February 1st” !!

Purpose: Wherever you are, you can access AMCON’s Free Webinar under COVID-19 situation
Target: Customers who do not know VOLUTE yet, Customer who wants to know about the specific case study for the sludge solution
(e.g. the manager of the factory, wastewater treatment concerned, distributor of dewatering press etc.)
Date: February 1st
Time: 16:00~16:40(Japan time)
Venue: Zoom
Attending capacity: Maximum 100 people (first-come basis)
Entry: Free and Pre-registration system
Please click here to participate!

Here what you can learn:
1. WHAT is AMCON ? – We invented VOLUTE™ technology as a pioneer
2. HOW has VOLUTE™ developed ? – AMCON Network and Territory
3. WHO works for AMCON ? – AMCON Japan’s organization structure
4. WHEN were AMCON’s historic events ?– Corporate successful story
5. WHERE has VOLUTE™ installed ? – Applicable for various industries
6. WHY customers are being so fascinated by VOLUTE™ ?
-The difference compared with other dewatering press
7. Specific case studies for installing VOLUTE

For those who would like to participate, please click here by January 31.
After your application, we will send the invitation to you.